Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Add a Collateral

Using the Add a Collateral action template, rule authors are able to automatically add a collateral record to a loan application. The Add a Collateral template only sets the collateral type in the application; therefore, the template must be configured to appear in a rule that also executes a rule set authored to populate specific Collateral fields in the application.

To begin authoring this type of rule, navigate to System Management > Origination > Rules Management and click .

Step One: Author Rule to Set Collateral Fields

Prior to authoring the rule to add the collateral record, system administrators must author an explicit rule to set the value of the desired Collateral fields in an application. The following table provides an overview of the Rule Category, Entity, and Template to use for this rule:

When authoring this rule, the This rule only runs when executed from another rule check box must be set to true in the General tab of the Edit Rule window.
Rule Category Entity Action Template Rule Example
Event Processing Application.Collaterals Set the Value of a Field

The example below provides a demonstration of rule logic to set fields for a Vehicle collateral:

Step Two: Author Rule to Add a Collateral Record and Execute the Rule to Set Collateral Fields

Once the rule to set the value of the desired Collateral fields is written, system administrators can author the rule to add the collateral record to an application, and execute the rule authored in step one to set the desired Collateral fields.

The following table provides an overview of the Rule Category, Entity, and Templates to use for this rule, as well as an example of the rule logic that populates once the Add a Collateral and Execute Rule Set templates are selected within the Definition tab:

Rule Category Entity Action Templates Rule Logic
Event Processing Application Add a Collateral

The rule logic for this template allows rule authors to identify the type of collateral to be added to the application. Click [select type] and select a value from the COLLATERAL_TYPE lookup.

Execute Rule Set

The rule logic for this template allows rule authors to select the rule set to be executed by the rule. Click [explicit rule set] and select the rule authored to set the value of the desired Collateral fields.

Once the explicit rule set is selected, click [member index] to identify the collateral member on which the rule is to be run against.

The example below provides a demonstration of a rule that adds a vehicle collateral to an application, and executes the rule to set the value of the Collateral fields for that record:

When identifying the collateral member to run the explicit rule set against, using the number of function ensures that the rule to set the Collateral fields is run on the last collateral record added to the application, or the collateral record being added by the same rule.

After the above rules have been authored and saved to the rule application, the rule to add the collateral can be assigned to the Execute Rules action in System Management > Origination > Event Processing, in order to execute as part of an Event/Action pair during the application process.

For more information on configuring an Event/Action pair, please see the Event Processing topic in this guide. To learn more about authoring rules, please see the Rules Management topic.



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